Thursday, 7 November 2013


    I get asked quite often by my clients at Kalola Boutique and Spa, " Should I use hot or Cold?" This question often arises after someone falls off their bike coming down the mountain, strains a muscle on the golf coarse or simply waking up with a stiff neck.

The answer is usually time related.

   I recommend cold for acute injuries. Just after they happen. Cold therapy such as ice packs, cold gel packs, cold cloths and/or water constrict the blood vessels (make them smaller.) This slows down blood flow to the area reducing the pain and inflammation. Cold therapy is often used for bumps and bruising as well as immediate strains and sprains.

* Caution: When using cold therapy you must follow four simple steps called C.B.A.N. and never put cold therapy directly on your skin. Use a wet towel as a barrier between the cold and your skin to prevent further damage to the area.

C.B.A.N. is an acronym for Cold, Burning, Aching, Numb. You will feel these four sensations when applying cold therapy. Once your skin reaches the numb stage remove the cold application and do not reapply until the tissue returns to normal temperature.

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